Posts tagged Cambridge
Keeping a Journal

Last evening Julia Cameron was signing books at Collected Works, a local favorite bookstore. I didn't go as I have attended her workshops several times before and have been writing the "morning pages" she advocates in her book The Artist's Way for 30 years.

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Parsing Harvard

For a dozen years, my remarkable partners, Marjanne Pearson and Paul Nakazawa, and I taught a course on professional practice classes in the Executive Education Program at Harvard's Graduate School of Design. Exhilarating, educational (for the educators) and exhausting. Our first gig ran for nine years — 1996 to 2004; the second from 2011to 2013. Much changed for the professions over all those years. What has not changed is my own curious relationship with Harvard. Not so much the real place, rather the over-determined Harvard of my mind.

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